come'on,..back again to my Job.
a hard rutinity as an officer..
About marketing meeting this week..
for you know,..iam not a member og Marketing Dept..
But they invite me as a member of company branch's team..
Thats right,.its a basically mental,thats we always keep in our mind to run a great bussiness in our job,..in our company..!!
No "Superman" here,..but "Superteam "..!!
oh ya,..in here, java so familiar th "SUPARMAN",..an ordinary name,..a thousand name in java with an prefix "SU.",..Like SUKARNO,.SUHARTO,..( 1st,.2nd president of indonesian..he..he ),..sudomo,.Suparno,Sukidi,Sukasto..etc..he.he..
( su ,.in java means "good thing.!!" )..
back to meeting..'gain
The team spirit make our team so solid,..
and we feel so appreciated,honoured,..I means feel so be honoured..
I am from Collection Dept,..who competence in manage a profit flow from return of asset from customer who return an assets via pay installment..
I must optimzed amount collection..!!
Bact to Marketing current issues..
1.They face a problem,..an mandatory problem,..The booking is decreased..!!!
Their problem is our's too,..cos if booking decreased n decreased,..i cant optimized my collection,.cos, a new booking ia a good contributor of interest amount esspecially the beginning installment, the proportion of interest is more..
our support to solve the problem :
we prepare a data,..experienced data based on handling by collection Dept.
to reffere as a new booking,..of course marketing dept ill followed up to this customer and booked agai as an repeat order,with a special treatment n price
2.Order decreasing means ,..total asset thats our managed decreased too.
in our terminologi is,..Nett Service Assets (NSA ),..amount based on outstanding principle of debt...
if scale of amount is decreased n decreased its make domino effect with man power or employee effisiensy..!! cut the manpower..!!.wow its so tragic..!!
our support :..we offer a concept : "everyone is a marketer..!!"..
so I offer my subordinate,.Collection field to be a "freelanced marketer",,to pick up a booking,..or new customer..
I think,..its many or close relationship,..cos when collection field do their job,..collect an instalment for customer,..they always touch n touch them..
so if ,.in same time collection field offer a new marketing program,..I am sure,..its make easier to elevate a booking..!!..he..he
from the meeting,..I know our marketer mate,.s fight all out with competitor..
and some time their competition almost touch a profit limit..!!
in case,..how we share a customer financing,..with a special rate..!!
the competitor do in same way,..
so we make creative action,..based on "service excellent consideration"...( not just about price..)..
but an apatic mind,..launched from their statement,,,
we know ,.we almost break a limit of profit,..in this fighting..!!
but lets the fighting is done..,interest rate fighting..!!..