... funny,...
so cute..yahh..
pliss look the little puppy...!!!..
but why,..I just remember to "my little girl"..ha..ha...
someone who try to love me, my teenage..he..he,,( sorry for wife,,he.he ,for you know my wife is my lastest but not my first..ha..ha )..
there ara a name like siti,..he..he..a little girl, a blue and white uniform.he.he (secondary school,..he..he SMP,..Sekolah Menengah Pertama..!!!indonesian )..he..he
We try to learn about " L O V E "...Ha..ha..ha..
we try to express my feeling in our way,...
we send a little message, a little papper,.teared from her lessons book,..
a nice poem,..for me...ha..ha..
so poetic,,so romanced...!!!..
Her smile wrote in my mind,..till now..he.he
its so funny if i remember about my teenage story..he.he
siti, ,..i dunt no,..where she live,..maybe in borneo,..other island for me,,..with her happy family, am I..
yeah,...its a puppylove maybe...!!!
a first love,..when we try to learn about love itself..he..he
but for you know,..every country have a many way to call about,..first love,..teenage love,.or a puppy love..( in USA, UK,..or other country...)
In my country, indonesia,..we call it with,.."CINTA MONYET..!!"..Ha.ha.ha
cinta, "love"..he..he
but you know,..what a "monyet"..????he.he.he
Monyet means " an ape..!!! ha..ha..ha..
how about,.Yours???..he..he..
siti,..wheraya,..i miss u much..ha...ha..ha
i lup ya pull*,,,!!!
* coppy right by Mbah Surip,..a Indonesian's Bob Marley..!!
oya,..this pictured downloaded fr yahoo
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