Sundanese is famous with a beauty..
so the history in my country call this area,..this region with “Varij van java”..
its mean,..like an international beautiful town, Paris , France...In java region.
Thats a symbol of beauty...
The one of beauty in sundanese is,....the Lady..!!!
Here She is...
Nina Herlina Galihpurnama Adiwidjaja..
Her formally name is ,( an spy agent name..he.he )..is,..NHG.!!
Please look the last name...,Adiwidjaja
its shows us,..an sundanese aristocrhaty Name..
In my wild imagination,..sometimes shes arise as a princess from the old century,..when a sundanese region settled as a great kingdom,Galuh Kingdom..as a Putri Diah Pitaloka,a princess who came in a different recently time,..through a time tunnel..he.he
Yess,..she is..
an aristocrathy aura reflected out from her soul,..her beauty..
She is not just a beautifull lady...
cos She is A Personal and Bussiness Support Chief,..
a Section Head in our office..
She is so strict in a job..so poffesional
a hard proffesional character in other side of a beauty..
A career,..a proffesional side,..is her choise..
a symbol of modern profesional officer..
a family,..a householding,..mmmm..its a next obsession for her..he..he
But she is a good personality to be a mother...
a princess of a householding...
a cheer personality ,adventurer,...naturally spread over from her soul..
Mountaining,..hiking,.speeding in a highway is her breath..he..he
Hang out,..with her friends,..is a mandatory..
a male friend is prefer for her..he..he
a male friend mo pragmatic,..simple think in an adventuring she explained..!!
She s,..has an unique way to judge a quality of a man...
she s feel make a correct judgement,..when the man include to her adventure in a naturally life,...for a several time with her...he..he..
so real a way of judgement,...he..he
she's wait for an fittest candidate,...to lead her forever..!!..he.he..
wheraya hide her Prince.???
but with her braveheart,..she ll search n search,...although its must till a himalaya, everest top mountain...,.he.he
or in deepest atlantic oversea,..she ll try to surf,.to dive to find her soulmate...he.he.
she's a beautiful lady...!!!!