Most happiness momment in Ramadhan, Fasting month is when come opening fasting time,..
saat adzan magrib,...
at an afternoon,..when the sun 'll be set in west,..in a twilight.
I am going home from my office,..
un ordinary,..the trafic is so crowded cos,..all people with their happiness prior the opening fasting momment...
sundanese people mention it,.."ngabuburit"..! waiting the time with a glad activity,..with down to the town.
he..he but i feel so empty in my heart..
idealy,.we togather with our family in ramadhan month,..share a happiness each other..
but not for me...he..he ( oh .so sad..!!!ha.ha )
i still separated wit my family,..
so iam going home in a loneliness,..he..he.
like a sun so gloomy,..in a west..!!!
A main way,Pujasera,a local shopping centre, subang west java
happy Fasting,.... Hehehehe....
ReplyDeleteThanks Dess,..
ReplyDeletebtw,Dess puasa ga..??
kalo puasa jangan barengan terus ma kenyol yaaaa..he..he
happi fasting juga..
be a nice moslem
hahaha sama2... wew insya allah puasa :D
ReplyDeletehahduuuhh ga kkok.. :D ga barengan,,, cuma buka bareng aja.. ahahaha :p
heheh thanks....:P