About Me

My photo
Karanganyar, Matesih, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
About Me, a representative of a society who left behind from technology. A man from a remote arrea in Java, Indonesia. A little village thats never availe on a world map.I want to try to follow the fast rotating of the world.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Empty nest "syndrome"..

Most happiness momment in Ramadhan, Fasting month is when come opening fasting time,..
saat adzan magrib,...
at an afternoon,..when the sun 'll be set in west,..in a twilight.
I am going home from my office,..
un ordinary,..the trafic is so crowded cos,..all people with their happiness prior the opening fasting momment...
sundanese people mention it,.."ngabuburit"..! waiting the time with a glad activity,..with down to the town.
he..he but i feel so empty in my heart..
idealy,.we togather with our family in ramadhan month,..share a happiness each other..
but not for me...he..he ( oh .so sad..!!!ha.ha )
i still separated wit my family,..
so iam going home in a loneliness,..he..he.
like a sun so gloomy,..in a west..!!!

A main way,Pujasera,a local shopping centre, subang west java


  1. Thanks Dess,..
    btw,Dess puasa ga..??

    kalo puasa jangan barengan terus ma kenyol yaaaa..he..he
    happi fasting juga..
    be a nice moslem

  2. hahaha sama2... wew insya allah puasa :D

    hahduuuhh ga kkok.. :D ga barengan,,, cuma buka bareng aja.. ahahaha :p

    heheh thanks....:P
