an other reason,..why I must go n go home again.
altough I must take a long n winding road..he..he..
is,..my Kids.!!
They are so inspiring for me...
They are is a trusteship from my God, Allah..
They are like a flower from our love,..with my wife, Fa.
Icha,..her nick name
her full name is..Annissa D'mas Amanae Gusti..
so long name,..but for you know its not ordinary typical java's child name..he..he
java's named for a girl,..its like,..sri hastuti,..sri mulyani..( an economic minister of my country,..indonesia ,.he..he sorry Mom..)
all of my kids named,..sound so internationaly name maybe..ha..ha..
its influenced by my frame of think...ha..ha..
thats obsessed to be an internationally member..ha..ha..
I like an italian named...,..pliss hear this named,..Amanae Gusti its sound like allesandro altobelli,..or Paulo Maldini..ha..ha
I like an brazillian name,..thats they always have a long,...long name but have a so so simple nick name...
like,..Edson Arantes D'nascimento..people call him Pele..!!! ha..ha..
Nadira D'Mas Getare Sanubari,..we call her Imas
Bayana D'Mas Timoere Mentari,..we call her Iyas..
Anissa D'Mas Amanae Gusti,..and we call her Icha..
so fair...hmm???..he.he
its my first fairness treatment for our luvely kids..he.he
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