In other time,..among my bussy time to leads my team in Office,..I spent it,..hang out,...to have a leisure with my office friends..!!
Like,..enjoy an short adventure,..cross along the river with a prao,..or traditional boat,,,
Canal,.exactly..!!..a wide river thats use as a passaway "road"..to Java sea.
This river ussualy,.passed by a fisherman who go to a java sea,..to catch a fish.!!
so manually,..the in tool and their equaipment...!!.'cos they do it,.not in modern tekhnic..
Oh,..this canal scenary is so nice,.and natural..
Feel like across an amazon river....
so, I make a kidding to my all friend,..
I shout so loudly,." Beware,..ANACONDAAAA..!!"...ha.ha.ha..
they,.so feared..!!..ha..ha..
My fantcy,..fly so imaginately..he..he..
with a so fearing creature named,..ANACONDA..!!!..he.he
But frankly,..no dragon,..no piranha,..no anaconda, here.. he.he
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