This month I ll try to conquer my challanging..
I must can reach my Target,..
Target how to press a overflow overdued account..!! or in generally bank termination is named NPL,..Non Performed Loan..!! You get it..??
( kredit macet, kredit bermasalah,..Indonesian )
Yah,..in Mei is our peak performance,..to get overflow account 2,05 M..!!
btw my mandatory target is 2,2 M..!!( Target from management..! )..
But i am sure,..I can reach more than it..!!
As a leader,..I am dream to able press overflow,...under 2 M..!!
Oh ya ,..as a proffesional,..we must have a good habbit in job..
Like,..at first we must set a planning...!!
and then guaiding to our team,..show to them,..what a goal,..we'll shoot..!!!..
And dont forget to make a priority...!!!
Pliss look a chart,..
its Ok,..sometimes we spot our brain,..he..he with think,..and analize a data..!!
Recently Overflow is 6.7 M,..so to target we need decrease 4.5 M..
we can get it from priority Easy and BIg,..and Easy and Small...!!
thats prepared more than 5 M amount autstanded..!!!..he..he..
can U catch my banking tips..???...he..he..
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