Dasar Buaya..!!!
Itu hanya air mata buaya..!!
air mata,..is in english is a chroco tears..
He..he..Its a specific swearword in a java,..generally in My country,.indonesian
To show unlike expression,..esspecially expression between a woman to a man...!
Buaya is a Chrocodile.., an animal be a symbol of "un faithfull person",..in a love relationship,...Un loyal partners..!!!
Every country hava a special and an unique way to express their word or cultural...
In global,..Maybe, .a symbol of unfaithful partner,..is a Rabbit..!!!.he.he..( an animal luv best,..by Donal trump.!!.ha.ha )..
Therefore,..an nectied rabbit,..in Black and white coast!!.always surrounded by a much pretty women,...he..he..a Play boy,..!! thats right...??
But by the way,..in my blogg I just share to all of you,..about Baron the chrocodile Rank...in Blanakan arrea,..a beach arrea,northest village,..bordered by a java sea.!!
Chrocodille ranch ,..and lookafter on a special ranch...!!
Blanakan's people named the huge and biggest, and crudest chrocodile,.with a romance and a taft name,...BARON..!!!.He.he.
So, Crude...
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