Here my primary KPI ( Key Performance indicator ),..
About revenue,...or collectability Rate..
As a leasing company,..a profit making based on how much we can take a return of our assets thats invested to our customer as a debt..
Collectability or Revenue Rate,..count based an Interest of an installment,..( Not a principle amount of a debt..!! )...
Maybe some company named it a margin..!!
The revenue rate is a ratio of Amount ve collected ( AC) compare with Amnount Must Be Collected ( AMBC )..!!
Revenue = AC/ AMBC
The customer who count as a revenue just cust with an overdue 1 till 150 days.
over than it,..not accept as a revenue,..but just accept as a "recovery Income"..
pliss look,..on Oktober data..!!
here when I since came on this branch..he..he..
a booming result,..he..he
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