My First day, in this office is , Saturday,Ot ,9'rd,2009
In morning briefingand pray,..Mr Hayatur Rizal, the chief, Branch Head,..Intreduce me.
Here, is mr Adhie,..the New officer..
Btw,..they are so shocked with my Employee number ( NPK ),..
My NPK is 1657,..its the oldest NPK here,..he..he
its showed about how long,..we get ob in this office..!!!
This NPK,..is equalize with 13 years old be an ASTRA employee..!!..eh..he
The oldest before,..in this office is 7xxx,..he..he
But they amazed,..why i am look so young,..than their imagination,..he..he
Oh ya,...my principle,...is
Old not about fisically only,..but some one ill be younger caused their "young" mind..111..he..he
Continued with overview meeting,..all section head
to make an "opening" and give a 'first stock" for my next ob..
This branch is ,..result of splitting process of big branch, T karang , lampung.
The account its ust 8500 account,..
wow,..for you know,..i am ussualy handle a branch with 2400 account,like subang...
but,..its No matter,..caused I am paid at a same salary,..ha..ha.ha
even,..this branch have a habbit to get a much incentive or Bonus..he..he..
No matter..!!
My Suborninate,..ussualy I have 30 employee,.now i must mange just 15 employee..he..he
The problem here is,..overflowed account,by principle outstanding,..essecially Overdue 60 account is a rime problem to solved,.this month..!!
a stuff overflowed account is nut just like ussualy,..!!!
caused Lebaran effect..!!.. Non Performance loan higher than before..
so simple...!!! he.he
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