Here is a first fiew, the morning from my hotel room..
wow,..its so close with a sea,..!!!
its ust 200 M from the beach,..
a small town, pale and dirty..
an issues that this area is threated by earthquacke that can make a Tzunami,..!!
an active vulcano in the sea,..Anak krakatau,..
but,..why I must go to the place..???
I am not to pick a sisaster like tzunami,..or the other..
but i must continue my life, full fill bread an butter for my family in java..
When my sister sent me a message ,.
how are you brother..?..what do you feel in a new place ,.kalianda..??
I answer ..
My feel like Imam samodera,..who face a gladiator , a sniper who ready to shoot him, death execution..!! as suspected as a terorist..!!
so am I,..I send my self, fate in Allah,decisission,..!!
life or die is in God's hand..!!..
I just feel..its my jihad for my family..!!!!
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