Ok,..maybe, a moment when I prepare a retirement..he..he..( or an accidentally retirement..he..he )..
But, a fighter,my adrenalin alway flow so hard,..when I challanged by a target..
Arrea Head's Team give a special target to.."excecute" me...!!
till 15 Sept 09, Mu team must collect Rp.1.558.905.954,,!!
Yess ,.deal ..
With all support our staff,..with my driving n arrangement as a boss...
move,..n move...
a special program, I'd designed to make a progress,..with a drawing prize to influense customer to pay the installment,...early from due date..!!
and now, 15 Sept 09, My team reach Rp. 1.559.662.956..
( altough the spread just Rp.707.002 ,..or approximately with US $ 70..!!!)
Unvisible hand of god,.. work on my team,,,)..
But still,..I am sure.They still find my fault,..and mind to terminate my career,..whatever a reason...