Canna,..I luv u..
its Me,..not canna..!!
not Fabio Cannavaro,..he..he
best defender from italiano..
eks defender,.los galaticos squad, Real madrid FC..he.he
Yess,..in ,38 years old
I am still be a good athlete..
oh ya,..its another side of me..!!
sometimes i am a "boss",..some time i am a musician...he..he ..atleast a local or an officer music performer..he.he
In this Futsal tournament,..I am be a team captain,..and a coach ,too..
as a forwarder,.Iam still an important player..
In a final match,..finnally score is 7-6 ( 4 goals scored by Me,..wow..!!! )
Oh ya,.in this tornament,.intra departement..!
The Final is all CR Dept final..!!! Collection and recovery Departement..
by the way,..in office they are my staff,..my subbordinate..
but in a Match field,..we re a proffesional fighter..!!!.he..he
who always keep a sportivity an a proudness as a brave man...!!!..he..he
so,..I release my all skill,..total of me..!!
whoever my match rival..!!!..he..he
but any way, Iam a pure athlete..!!!
I am still a champions..!!..
sorry guys,..I beat your team..!!
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