As a Bussinesman,we must always aware that our bussiness running is very very depend on our customer..
From they are,..our profit has build.
Sometime we make a principlely mistake,.with take a customer just an object..
Or we exloitate them,..as a weak side..
we forget that our existention is more depend on them..
So with a high respect our company,..creata a tribute to our costomer,with choose ,Sept 5rd as a CUSTOMER DAY..!!
We just make a little program,..to touch our customer.
through,.a smile as a regard to them,...a sincerely greeting to customer who come to our office.
give a little helping,but so gentle,..he.he like ,open the office door for them...
Ussually,..the job acted by our security,..but special for today,..Mr Roy Paham Manurung,..as our Marketing Manager,..who do it for our customer..
Giving a little prise,..by Mr Hadist Guruh Rahayu, Marketing Officer.
May be,..we always must threat our cust like that..
we aware,..they are a king..!!!
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