About Me

My photo
Karanganyar, Matesih, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
About Me, a representative of a society who left behind from technology. A man from a remote arrea in Java, Indonesia. A little village thats never availe on a world map.I want to try to follow the fast rotating of the world.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A man from bromo..

You ever go to Bromo???..
thats right,Mountain Bromo..
thats located in East Java..
No, I dont wanna tell much about..the great scanery of this muntain..
but Ill ,..share to you..
Whats a "man of bromo" look like,..
the mountain arrea alway so cold and sandy..
The people always used their blanket,..called "sarung"..
thats always pin on their nect,..n coverded their body..
but look so eksotis..face..he..he..
a ciggarete never put off from their lips..he..he
make their face look so brave....he..he..
(heyyyy,... but this foto not an original people,..acted by Me!! ha..ha..ha..
ciggarette..??,,,No..!! he..he Iam an athlete..!! he..he )


  1. nice picture u like osama bin laden...haha...
    saya penghuni gunung bromo... anda telah membawa roko ke wilayah saya... anda terkena hukuman supuluh kali push-up hehe... waduh kapan2 mampir tuh ke gunung kujang.... selain di bromo saya juga penghuni gunung kujang...

  2. he..he Thanks 4 ur appreciation,zha..!!

    oh, ga oleh ngrokok yo..??..he..he
    wah koyo pom bensin wae..he..he

    No smoking area thats right.?.??
