I miss my wife,..Fa
For u know..
Not everyday I can meet my lifemate..my wife.
Long distance,relation..beetween Us.
Solo, middle of java,. to Subang,west Java..,
not in same province..
More than 800 Km,…we separated..
That’s my life,..to get a bread n butter..he..he..
To fulfill my family need…
( and I try to connect,..all of you in whole of the world…, in order to ,.I want repay..the all of my sacrifice ,…
I have a dream,..some time I must get a job,..that I can do that job from my home, so …can hug all members of my family,…
that for till this time,..I always leave them,,,,!!
someone outthere,..can offer a requaired job like that for Me..??? he..he )..
At the end of the week,…usually I visit them..,My family
But not in this Sunday,..
Cos,..my company suggest to expand time…
My overflow collection defisit more than..Rp.500,000,000 (based on principle amount of loan,..or its similar with a 50 persons ,who have outstnding principle amount Rp. 10.000.000 )
I must lead my team to,..overtake this problem..he..he
Fa,..I miss u much
Kids,..pardon ur dadd..
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