when i cross the Selat Sunda ( sunda narrows ),..a small accassion that can make my heart is entertained is,..
see benneath at the sea,..!!!
A boy, struggle their make something to eat,.with gather the coin of money,..that drop from a ship passanger..!!
woww, so dramatic..!!
a hearbreaking view..!!
Pliss dropp more coin,..gentleman,..!! They re speak loud,..from the surface of sea..
Oh my gosh, the name of struggle to continue the life..!!
its remind me a eightys film,..on my television,.
A man from atlantic,..are you remember.???
or a story of,.." DENY MANUSIA IKAN..!!",..
But sure,..its not Deny Parmonangan Hutagaol,..ha..ha..ha..My batak friend..!!
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