When we say a last word to go away,..
its so hard..
we must left a thousand of memory in Subang's office,..west java.
We together hand in hand reach a Hard target,..
a small offices intrique,..he..he..but its so nice to remember..!!
a loyal and support team,..that i' ve build..!!
more Than 12 months we spent together,....
a different trouble, and management problem we must solve..!!
how to reach a top of achievement,..
Management formation always changed and changed..
a basket of word never can represent of my feeling..
Now I wanna say Thank to :
Mr Jody,..a wise BM,..a taft but mellow personalize..
Miss Galih, exotic woman,..
Mr Deny Hutagaol, fair man,..!!! keep 'ur batak..!!!
Mrs Lidia Mutiara,..hay you, iron woman,..but your heart still ca be touched by love,..and tears...he..he
Wah so long,..if i continue to all my friend..!!!
Hey,..pak Ucup, Mbak iIe, Jemy, Ndas,.mang didi,..
My dept riri, dadan, dede kuswara,sony, Ryan,Andy,Indra,..
all my field,..rezha, eko, budi, pak dede so,park, erick,cici, dayat,.Pak baringin, Pak Herepa,..he..he..imam abee, sule, yusup etc
Pak dade, Puja, dadang, ade, neeeeezha,..arie, ipul,pak dedi, wenda, lina, dhemmy, tteh wulan,jovani,mara, cs bmr,..krew RI, Pak hadist , yuldan, Pak roy,..
majid,leni,..agung,ilham. ami, pocong,eki,aris,..
ahhh, all of you friend..!!
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