some time i feel so tired in a loneliness..
I live alone in west java, subang...
even when i must work hard,...to lead my team to reach a target..
no my family,..in my side.
no "shock breaker"...to make my mind relax and not overheat..he.he..
but their live so far and separated with me,..he..he
its my dilema,..!!
I wanna live together everytime with them,...but I must srtuggle to reach an economic needs..!
therefore ,..i must work in other town,..with long distance of course.
my be a simple solution,..i must get a job again,..and enclose to my home..
he..he..oh,..it so hard to resigned..
I ve spent more than 12 years,.be an employee in this company...
or ,..thera somebody outthere can offer a new job for me..??
an virtual job,,..?? he..he..
Oh ya,..my obsession ,..: I wanna do my job from my home,...and i dont care ,..where is my office lay down..he..he..
U can hel me...he..he..
Oh,..ya when I feel lonely,..its a good timing to relax,..have a nice air,..a sundanese air...that so fresh..!!!..
relax in a hut,..like a famous sundanese hut in this arrea..
They named it,..sasaungan.!
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