Maybe,..a hardest part of my life,..my day, is when I must return to the town,..where I am go to my work, Subang west Java.
I must leave my lovely family,..at solo, central Java..
I take a long distance with an economic train.., GAYABARU economical train.
10 Hours I must spent a time,...no confortness ,..no elegancy on the poor train.!!
Thera many un honour, un profesional deed practiced by the Train crew...!!..
They never know ,how to honour a customer...
They just think how make gain for their pocket..!
I always pay a ticked,..normally
But in a cabin, a restouracy room,..they always "rent" a seat..he..he....
oh, No..there act like a bandit who qonquer "their arrea"..he..he
so sorry,..i forced to let it out this story..
an honour practical in my economical transportation in my country...
Why,..as a " Boss",..or "an excecutive" I take an economical train..???..he.he
cos there are no strighly destination busineess train to Subang...!!..
....so feit a compply may be..??,,he..he
World,..whatever uncomfortness of this train.., i try to share about an " artistic" life,..in my life...
Please look a nice picture for me,...above
a dramatical picture,..a moon over my train door..
captured by me,..who prepared to get down on subang little train station...!!
I stand beside a train door,..sometimes a train still running in a fast...
wusssss,...a dramatical scene in a dawn,..
when a moon still give it hope...
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