About Me

My photo
Karanganyar, Matesih, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
About Me, a representative of a society who left behind from technology. A man from a remote arrea in Java, Indonesia. A little village thats never availe on a world map.I want to try to follow the fast rotating of the world.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Return To Homebased Proposal

I remember when my Dept Owner say to me to convenience me, before mutation.
Mr SUN, say with kidding,..: OK, dhie your mutatioan now,..you must out of java Island..in order,..you can going home with a plane,..and company Ill reimburse it...he..he.."
But now,..I try to make a Return to home base Proposal..!! to my arrea head, Mr RSA..
wow,..He so narrow head,..to make a decission as a area head...!!!..not back me up...!!!!...he think just like an field employee...!!! huhhhh..
so birocratchiely...!!!..
to prior my family pick me , visit me to calianda..!!!

a surprising life...!!!
I wanna escelate this rejection to my Dept ownwer, Mr Sun.., and MR SHT as a top directorr..!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009



Muga muga lancar rejeki ne Yu,..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The challanging of nature

sometime, i think,..my job like a bucket of adventure..he..he
to counquer a challance...
Like,..when I take my job in subang, west java...
when I go down to field,..strighly ,..su supervise my field..
I must cross a "wild and narrow bridge",..like on the picture..!!!
not on our foot,..but on a motor cycle,..both of us,.!!..to cross together...!!!..he..he
a shaking bridge,..so thrilling me..he..he
the sundanese people say,..."sasag gantung",..a hanging bridge...!!

A Nature handicap


He is Geta,..my field staff..
sometimes we must enstrenghten our courage to beat a nature handicap,..like how to reach customer domisilion,..when the location is a top of valley,..in a forrest...

The sumatra's field

Here is,..Mr wage my staff, a supervisor who sometimes back up the field employee to finish a problem in a field...
To overtake a "non performance loan" problem,..about our leasing company..!!

sumatras nature


As a Dept Head in my office,..some time i need go the field strighly..
to know the reality,..or real condition..about economically capacity of our customer..
The knowledge about the people habit,..or real condition of society is more than a numerical data only..!!! or statistic..!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The nature of sumatra 2

like a nomaden people,..who end their migration,..and finf the fixed place in first moment..

The nature of sumatra

The density of people in sumatra not as much as in java..
the palm field
the farming field is so wide...and havent managed yet..

Friday, December 4, 2009

warna warni hidup 7

DIE HARD 7..!!!

warna warni hidup 6

a yelowish kambodja flower,,..in backyard of my home..

warna warni hidup 5

a tend in kalianda resort,..

warna warni hidup 4

from above,...with my doughter, iyas..!!
icha with fa,her luvely mom ,in the other flying bench..
Imas,...she is very very not to like,..about a highness,..he..he

warna warni hidup 3

Jinantra,..traditionally rolecoaster from java..
when we enjoying an afternoon with my full family,..
lapangan metesih,..Matesih soccer field..

warna warni hidup 2

a full colour cafe,..so enjoy to entertain my team,..
after a hard meeting,..in sidomulyo,Kalianda,Lampung selatan,Indonesia..

warna warni hidup

now, i wanna to perform about "the colour of life"..
Traditionally home,..but so funky..he..with a eyecatcing colours..
Rumah mungil di karanganyar,depan dr septiyoko...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Top of Tangkuban Perahu..

here were,..a full face of tangkuban perahu Mountain,..west Java.
Bandung Indonesia...
A cold wheather,..sulfury smelt couldron,..a good scanery..of the top..!!

The Top 4

so romantic..
heyy,..couple,..who are you..??
so sorry to publish u,..he.he
its a match with my idea about ..."the top",..he.he

The Top 3

How about the meaning of 'the top" for me....he.he
stand on a top,..have a sweet coffee,...and a fried banana...he..he.
feel a success as a manager,...when we success to reach a target on the end of month,..
so,.in the beginning,..of next month,..we spent a time together with my team..to relax...
with my Subang team,..he..he..
wow,...so high taste...he..he

The Top,..2

This picture captured by me,..he..he..
who in the same time,..visit this location,...
I am in behind them,..try to understand about .."The Top"..he.he..
Tangkuban perahu is a tourism object in west java,..
a woody mountain or valley,...so interesting naturally scannery...he..he
30 km north fron bandung,...

The top..

talk about a satisfaction,.....
like a satisfaction on "the top",...
whatever,..the top,..he.he..
like the couple of teenages who sitting together on the midle of couldron on Tangkuban perahu mountain, Subang, west java...
The couldron still spread a sulfur steam...
but their love drunk feeling ignore its..he..he
love can beat everything,...he..he..
love so blind..??